FlashR API
name | comment |
all | Are All Values True? |
any | Are some Values True? |
Arithmetic | Arithmetic Operators |
colSums | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
Comparison | Relational Operators |
cor | Correlation, Variance and Covariance (Matrices) |
cov.wt | Weighted Covariance Matrices |
crossprod | Matrix Crossproduct |
dim | Dimensions of an FlashR Object |
dimnames | Dimnames of an Object |
drop | Drop Redundant Extent Information |
Extract | Extract Parts of an object |
Extremes | Maxima and Minima |
fm.agg | Aggregation on a FlashR object. |
fm.agg.op-class | An S4 class to represent an aggregation operator used in aggregation operations in FlashR. |
fm.apply | Apply Functions Over Array Margins |
fm.apply.op-class | An S4 class to represent an apply operator on rows/columns in a matrix. This operator is used in ‘fm.apply’. |
fm.as.factor | FlashR factor vector. |
fm.basic.op | The basic operators supported by FlashR. |
fm.bind | Combine FlashR Vectors/Matrices by Rows or Columns |
fm.bo-class | An S4 class to represent a binary operator used in generalized matrix operations. |
fm-class | An S4 class to represent a FlashR matrix. |
fm.conv.FM2R | Convert a FlashR object to a regular R object |
fm.conv.layout | Convert the data layout of a FlashR matrix. |
fm.conv.R2FM | Convert a regular R object to a FlashR object. |
fm.conv.store | Convert the Storage of an Object. |
fm.create.agg.op | Create an aggregate operator |
fm.eigen | Eigensolver |
fm.get.eles | Get a submatrix from a FlashR matrix |
fm.get.matrix | Load a matrix to FlashR. |
fm.groupby | Groupby on a FlashR vector. |
fm.info | The information of a FlashR object |
fm.inner.prod | Matrix inner product |
fm.kmeans | KMeans clustering |
fm.mapply2 | Apply a Function to two FlashR vectors/matrices. |
fm.multiply | Matrix multiplication |
fm.print.mat.info | Print the information of a FlashR object |
fm.read.obj | Read a FlashR object (vector/matrix) from a file. |
fm.rep.int | Create a FlashR vector with replicated elements. |
fm.rnorm | The Normal Distribution |
fm.rsparse.proj | Create a sparse projection matrix. |
fm.runif | The Uniform Distribution |
fm.sapply | Apply a Function to a FlashR vector/matrix. |
fm.seq | Sequence Generation |
fm.set.conf | Reconfigure FlashR |
fm.t | Transpose a FlashR matrix. |
fm.table | Count the number of elements |
fmV-class | An S4 class to represent a FlashR vector. |
fmVFactor-class | An S4 class to represent a FlashR factor vector. It inherits from a FlashR vector. |
fm.write.obj | Write a FlashR object (vector/matrix) to a file |
head | Return the First or Last part of an Object |
ifelse | Conditional Element Selection |
integer | Integer Vectors |
is.finite | Finite, Infinite and NaN Numbers |
length | Length of an Object |
levels | Levels Attributes |
log | Logarithms and Exponentials |
Logic | Logical Operators |
materialize | Materialize virtual FlashR objects. |
MathFun | Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions |
matmult | Matrix multiplication |
matrix | Matrices |
mean | Arithmetic Mean |
NA | ‘Not Available’ / Missing Values |
names | The Names of an Object |
nlevels | The Number of Levels of a Factor |
nrow | The Number of Rows/Columns of a matrix. |
numeric | Numeric Vectors |
Print FlashR objects. | |
profile | Google profiler |
range | Range of Values |
round | Rounding of Numbers |
scale | Scaling and Centering of Matrix |
sd | Standard Deviation |
sum | Sum of Vector Elements |
summary | FlashR Summaries |
svd | Compute the singular-value decomposition on a large matrix. |
sweep | Sweep out Array Summaries |
transpose | Matrix Transpose |
typeof | The Type of an Object |
vector | Vector |