FlashGraphR API
name | comment |
fg.betweenness | Vertex betweenness centrality. |
fg.cc | Connected components of a graph |
fg.degree | Degree of the vertices in a graph |
fg.diameter | Diameter estimation |
fg.exist.graph | Indicate whether a graph has been loaded to FlashGraphR |
fg.export.graph | Export graph image. |
fg.get.sparse.matrix | Load a sparse matrix to FlashGraphR. |
fg.graph.info | Graph information |
fg.kcore | K-core decomposition of a graph. |
fg.lcc | Get the largest connected component in a graph |
fg.list.graph | List graphs loaded to FlashGraphR |
fg.load.graph | Load a graph to FlashGraphR. |
fg.local.scan | Locality statistic |
fg.pagerank | PageRank |
fg.print.graph | Print a graph into a file as an edge list. |
fg.set.conf | Reconfigure FlashGraphR |
fg.subgraph | Generate an induced subgraph |
fg.transitivity | Transitivity of a graph |
fg.triangle | Triangle counting |